Are gutters covered by home insurance?
Your standard homeowner’s insurance will cover your gutters because they are structural parts of your home. However, there is really no assurance that your insurance company will cover your claim for rain gutters. The “perils” against which your insurance provides coverage are detailed in your policy. Nothing can be done if the danger that caused…

What is the gutter on the roof called?
The gutter on the roof is called by many names, depending on what country you’re in. Other names for a roof gutter include the following: rain gutter, eaves gutter, an eavestrough (particularly in Canada), rhone (Scotland), eaves-shoot (Ireland), eaves channel, dripster, guttering, rainspouting, or simply a gutter. In Ireland, an eaves gutter is also called an eaves-shoot. The Latin term gutta, which is translated as “a droplet,” is where we get the English word gutter.